
Monday 12 November 2012


Camera: Minolta X-7A + Asahi Super Takumar 55mm f1.8
Film: Konica Minolta Centuria 400, expired
© Photos by Lian Leng
Those leopard print jeans looked fabulous on her~ I also absolutely loved every single one of her accessories, and there were so many! 
Occupation: Baker at Terroni (yum~)
Sunglasses: New York
Denim jacket: Vintage
Denim shirt: 90's GAP
Necklace: Urban Outfitters
Bag: House of Vintage
Jeans: Cheap Mondays
Boots: vintage, Montreal
Accessories: Guess, Chosen vintage store, Mrs. Huizenga's, Drake General Store, Philistine, the Bay
~ Reproduce her Look ~ 

1 comment:

  1. These leopard print jeans are wonderful, i have always liked products from denim and in her case both the shirt and jacket are looking fabulous.
