
Tuesday 8 January 2013


© Photos by Lian Leng
Analog camera: Minolta X-7A + Asahi Super Takumar 55mm f1.8
Film: Minolta Centuria 400
Occupation: Grad student
Sweater: Sub Rosa vintage (Kensington market)
Bag: Value Village


  1. I think I've never commented on any of your posts before, but I thought it was about time that I shared my love for your blog. It's amazing! I love streetstyle pics and analogue photography so this is heaven for me :). When I shared one of your photos I had some pretty good comments on it. But I will keep on spreading the word about 'Toronto Street Fashion'. Keep up the good work!

    1. I'm so pleased to hear your comment! It seriously means a lot to me so thank you so much for taking the time to let me know your impression and talking about Toronto Street Fashion!
